Professional Pet Transportation Service To And From The UK And Spain

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Our vehicles has been specially adapted for pet travel

We provide individual large spacious units for pets to travel in. Pets from the same family can choose to travel together, providing there is enough room and pets are of similar size.

An additional heating and cooling system has been fitted, which runs independently of the engine. As well as the vehicles normal heating and air conditioning, for pets comfort.

There are only 2 front seats creating a walkway through to pets, allowing carers to constantly check on pets during travel.

Carers have their own sleeping facilities on board insuring pets are never left unattended during travel.

We carry basic medical supplies and have a fridge on board.

The cattery is separate to the kennels, allowing cats not to be disturbed during dog walk times.

We only carry pets and DO NOT carry goods.

Trans-Pet Vehicle

Contact Sharon or Sarah:

Office: +34 965 960 658 Mobile: click here Email: